What are the 4 Parts of an Air Conditioner?
What are the 4 parts of an air conditioner? Air conditioners are indispensable household appliances because of their ability to control both temperature and humidity levels inside the home. They function by extracting heat and moisture from the surrounding air and releasing it into the atmosphere outside. Even though the majority of people are aware of how an air conditioner functions on a fundamental level, it is possible that they are not familiar with the various components that comprise this intricate system. In this piece, we will discuss the four primary parts that make up an air conditioner as well as their interplay in the process of maintaining a pleasant temperature within your home.
The Four Parts of an Air Conditioner
1. Compressor
The compressor is the vital component that drives the operation of an air conditioner. Compressing and pushing the refrigerant gas through the system are the responsibilities of this component. When the refrigerant is compressed, it heats up and is subjected to increased pressure. After being pumped, this high-pressure gas arrives at the condenser coil, where it generates heat and transforms into a liquid as it condenses.
2. Condenser Coil
On the outside component of the air conditioning system is where you will find the condenser coil. The primary purpose of this component is to discharge the heat that has been generated by the compression of the refrigerant by the compressor. When the heated refrigerant gas passes through the condenser coil, it transmits its heat to the surrounding air, which is then fanned over the coil by a fan. This completes the cooling process. Because of this, the refrigerant will eventually turn into a liquid, and this liquid will be routed to the evaporator coil. What are the 4 parts of an air conditioner?
3. Evaporator Coil
On the inside of the air conditioner’s indoor unit is where the evaporator coil can be found. The primary purpose it serves is to remove heat from the atmosphere inside of your house. As the liquid refrigerant moves through the evaporator coil, it experiences expansion and eventually turns into a gas through the process of evaporation. This process draws heat from the air outside, which in turn causes the air inside of your home to become cooler. After being cooled, the air is reintroduced into your home via the vents and ducts that carry air.
4. Expansion Valve
The expansion valve is a rather inconspicuous part of an air conditioner that yet plays an essential role. The primary responsibility of this component is to control how much refrigerant moves through the system. When the liquid refrigerant with its high pressure passes through the expansion valve, it is given permission to expand, which results in the pressure being lowered. As a result, the refrigerant will begin to evaporate, at which point it will begin to draw heat from the air around it. The fan will then blow this air over the evaporator coil. For air conditioner repair breakdown see here.
Learning about the many components of an air conditioner will help you perform better maintenance and diagnose and fix problems with the system. You will have a much easier time diagnosing problems and even doing some of the more fundamental repairs if you are familiar with how each component operates in conjunction with the others. These four components are very necessary for the operation of an air conditioner, even if there are many more that go into its construction. Calling in an experienced HVAC specialist is your best bet whenever there is any possibility of uncertainty regarding the operation of your system.